I have good idea for my team "the best" to write their memo on. The School of forestry and agriculture is not longer thanks to budget cuts that have taken nearly 50% of the money for the past two years. It is sad that the major that has helped me so much over the past four years cease to exist.
This is where my idea comes into play. The college is going to need memos to tell people about the changes that are occurring or already have. Writing a memo of this magnitude will be one of the better ones I think. I am going to ask the head of the old school of forestry Pat Layton and see if she has any chances for us to do it. Clemson may not let us do it due to public relation reasons, but it is worth a try anyway.
Sounds like a great idea to me. Its funny that Clemson was once Clemson A&M, and I guess the Administration forgot what the A stood for. Good luck, and hope they will let you write for the ag department.