The journal's main purpose was to give notice to ecological happenings in the world today. It didn't take sides as to what should or shouldn't be done. It was merely just a conversation starter. Kind of like the man that stands around and between a democrat and republican and says something to make them slug it out. The magazine never offered up solution. It just stated instances that were happing around the world and let the reader decide for themselves.
Or thats at least what I thought until I read over some of the articles again. The journal never said that what humans were doing was wrong, but it also never wrote about anything that didn't have man's interference causing problems. This has led me to believe that the journal is taking a more liberal view on ecology.
It does not come right out and say that man is wrong and has failed the ecosystems of the world, but it doesn't have to. The articles say it themselves. For instance, The caribou article states that the caribou are losing winter habitat that cannot be replaced. It didn't say that humans are wrong for doing this, but it also didn't talk about the quality wood products coming out to the region. This leads me to believe that the journal is trying to cause action through small amounts of knowledge. The caribou are losing habitat and it needs to be stopped is the real action behind the article.
I have been trying to think of a good way to symbolize what the journal is doing to no avail. But I think the best way to describe it is throwing a rock into a pond. The rock is little, much like the journals articles, but over time, the ripples spread out and have touched all corners of the pond. The all corners of the pond would be everybody knowing about the situation and doing something about. If the journal trys to make a big deal about it, then people may play them off as activists or something. By just saying a little bit and not causing a big stir. The journal reaches everybody and lets those opinions build on its' underlying one. Not bad for a journal, once I looked a little deeper I could see true reason for the writing
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